The Green Beauty Characters Tag!

Bedside Items

It’s been what feels like forever since I sat still enough to write. So I thought I would break into things nice and easy with a fun little tag. This is the Beauty Tag created by the lovely Sonja from Life in Blush (amazing blog BTW). I was tagged by my awesome friend Katie of Green Product Junkie (also an incredible blog). Do yourself a favorite and go check both of these gals out.

On my nightstand you’ll find: Osmia Organics Hand Cream and Honey-Myrrh Lip Treatment, Badger Balm Sleep Balm, and a mini Lotus Wei Quiet Mind Mist.

The literary character I’m most like is: (take this quiz to find your answer) – Galadriel from Lord of the Rings.

I’m currently obsessed with: Ilia Arabian Knights, Osmia Organics Sunset Body Oil, Brija Comet eyeshadow, Suntegrity (totally late on this one).

My favorite superhero is: Storm from the X-Men. Something about being able to control the weather always seemed kind of badass.

Favorite beauty product of 2013: Of the whole year?! You ask some tough questions Sonja. I think I’d have to go with Osmia Organics Active Nutrient Gel Serum. This stuff has seriously transformed my skin. I’m pretty sure I’ll never be without it.

If I could have dinner with anyone dead or alive: Cleopatra. I’ve always been intrigued by this era of history and fascinated by her. Not to mention I’m sure she’d have some interesting beauty secrets.

Winter is coming, how do you prep your skin for battle? Exfoliate and Hydrate! Off with those dead flaky skin cells and buttering up with some nice hydrating oils and balms.

My perfect date night makeup consists of: For a date I love a sheer foundation with a glowy finish. A nice flush on the cheek, kind of a softly smoked out eye and a little bit of color on the lips but nothing too dark (think Ilia Arabian Knights).

My go-to skin-beautifying snack/drink is: Hot water with lemon or a green juice. A little bit of R.L. Linden & Co Beauty Tea doesn’t hurt either.

My TV boyfriend is: Neal Caffrey from White Collar or Zane Donovan from Eureka. Both are creative, smart and bit on the rebellious side. They’re not bad to look at either.

If my evening clutch could hold only one beauty item it would be: Ilia Tinted Lip Conditioner in “In Paradise”. Perfect coral color for lips and cheeks.

One beauty tip I would pass on to my fictional daughter is: I’m torn between lecturing on the merits of sunscreen and telling her how healthy, happy people are naturally beautiful. 

The most nostalgic item from my childhood is: A dollhouse my Dad built for me. It was way cooler than any plastic Barbie house.

My favorite show of the moment is: Since my beloved Face Off ended I’m currently loving S.H.I.E.L.D, White Collar, and HIMYM.

My favorite quote is: “Live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the romance of the unusual” Ernest Hemingway.

Okay I’m passing on the tag torch to Ana of Ana Goes Green, Lilly of Genuine Glow and Mary of Pure Makeup!